The season of thanksgiving is here, it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in the month of November. To commiserate and remember the loved ones lost in the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln declared it a national holiday.

Thanksgiving is deeply rooted in the foundation of giving thanks and being grateful for the blessings in our lives. It is important to remember that we have so many things to be grateful for. With the lives we lead today, we sometimes forget to take in the small moments. We tend to take a lot of things for granted and do not realize the value of the things we have until we lose them.

We all need to get our groove back and thanksgiving could be the perfect way to do it. Families are fun and laughter, but the core of families is that they love you and support you without ever judging you and that is the feeling that you will always carry with you.

So, take a moment, breathe and cherish these memories. This thanksgiving express your gratitude and let your appreciation show. 

Start a New Tradition

Thanksgiving is all about families, getting together taking time and just being happy in their presence and enjoying quality time spent. So, this thanksgiving start a new tradition. Cook together, take a small vacation, or just soak in each other’s presence. This action will speak louder than words how much you appreciate everyone.

Family Get Together

Plan an outing, put in the effort and time to either plan a meal at home or go to a restaurant, or have a potluck anything that works, set sometime apart to spend it with people who matter. The traditional thanksgiving dinner includes turkey and each family has a secret recipe to cooking it, but the common element is the love and care with which it is made.

Write a Note of Gratitude to Everyone

At some point, in some interaction consciously or unconsciously we have been inspired by the people around us. This thanksgiving revisits those moments and pen down a note, just a simple note and let everyone in your life know they are appreciated and loved. This small token of kindness will brighten up everyone’s day. 

This thanksgiving spread a little joy, count your blessing a little more and never forget to show your gratitude and most important do not forget to make wonderful memories.


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